ROCKS' Flying ReportJuly - December 1999
Charly and I with his new Lazy Bee - Sep 99

New Models and New Friends

One of the really nice things about flying model airplanes is meeting new people, and making new friends. Most of the people I've met have been very friendly and helpful. Since I've started flying powered airplanes with the Newport News Park R/C Club, I've not only met new people, but I've flown several different planes! Charly asked me to test fly his new Lazy Bee. Boy, what an adventure! I never thought I'd be interested in the Lazy Bee, but now I'm thinking of getting one!

Different Planes

Like many other people, I though the only differences between model airplanes were how they looked, and how fast they flew! As it turns out, that's not really the truth. Models fly differently because of different airfoils, and wing posiiton, and wing shape. The length of the fuselage, and the shape of the tail feathers can also affect a model's performance. You have to learn the different characteristics of every model you intend to fly. Here I am with Ray. He let me fly his low-wing power house! Wow! She really moves!

Me and Ray, before a flight

Training Time

I got my first chance to train someone just this past September. Larry Wall had come to the flying field several times looking for someone to help him. We kept running into each other, so I told him I would help him get stared. The last weekend in October Larry soloed! Now he's helping a local teenager learn how to fly!

It's this kind of giving attitude that makes modeling so great!

Larry Wall and his SIG Kadet LT-40
No matter how hard he tried, Larry's plane couldn't help from being the club trainer.

Jay and Owen mug for a picture, while John gets ready to fly.

The Knowledge

In addition to the great flying field, and the good people, there's a wealth of knowledge at the field. Owen, seated, has over 25 years in the hobby, and a full-scale license. He's always willing to help you with your slow flying, stunts, radio set-up, and engine problems. Leaning against the table is our own contest director, Jay. We call him "Oscar" for his direct approach to answering questions, but he's always willing to lend a length of fiberglass, a handful of weights, or even a transmitter! John Philbrick's article in a recent edition of Model Airplane News gave us the scoop on the Hangar 9 Advance 40 plane - that's John in the background.

Here's the web adress to his review:

Working with the Community

In addition to all the flying we do, we also expose the community to this great hobby! During our mall show at the Patrick Henry Mall in Newport News, Virginia, we showed our planes, built a model at the show, and talked with anyone who was interested in R/C models. It's great to see the club members coming together for events like this!

Club members donated a lot of their time to assemble a trainer at the show!

Larry Rash flying his giant Cub on a slow fly-by

Great Flying!

We've been blessed with months of great flying weather. The only poor weather I can remember was in October, during the club picnic. Otherwise, you can see all kinds of flying at the field, including the club vice president, Larry Rash, flying his giant Cub on slow fly-bys.

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