BATTLE In The PARKSoutheastern VA ChampionshipsSunday, July 23, 2000 - It seems that foreboding skies follow combatants wherever they go, adding a serious tone to the event and the flying. The first ever Newport News Park RC Flying Club scale combat compettion was no exception. Six pilots registered for combat under the darkening horizon. After the weigh-in, the contestants learned that they would all fly in every round - six planes in the air at a time. Although the pilots knew the rules, the contest director, Jay Jennings, went over the field layout, safety violations, points system, and round structure. Finally, we were ready for combat. It was well after 11 when the first round kicked off. |
Out of TownersIn addition to the locals, we had several pilots drive in from other places! Traveling across the state line, Earl Nester of the Southwest Aero Park fliers of Baltimore came in from Maryland. Author of Combat Ribbons, the monthly combat article in RC Report, and a contest director for the LCAA, Pete Rundel drove in from Great Falls. Chris Shepherd came from the Plane Crazy RC Club in Winchester, with a quick stop in Mechanicsville to get a ride with Jack Lewis of Check 6 Plans. |
Combat ActionMidairs and ground loops were the order of the day. Rocks removed himself early by launching two beautiful Mustangs into the ground. We'll have to get him a catapult! Later, we had several incredible midairs. Once, while everyone was chasing Norm's wounded 109, two planes midaired, and no one noticed that Norm had tip-stalled and crashed. Back in the air with a borrowed Dauntless, Norm had a midair with Jack. Jack's P-40 ate right through the foam Dauntless. In the middle of the fith round, Chris Shepherd lost a few inches from his left wingtip! It didn't even seem to phase his Check Six Plans 2610 Mustang, as he flew on to get another cut! |
What a Crowd!Often, radio controlled airplane contests are attended only by the contestants and a few club members. But our second combat event, and our first 2610 event, drew a sizeable crowd from the local area. Some of our visitors were from surrounding clubs: John Backes from CVA was there with several club members, and I heard reports of folks from Isle of wight and HRRC. Our club-run, donations-only food tent did some heavy business! Imagine what it would be like on a sunny day with several more contestants! |
The Winners!
Field RepairsAlthough fast, furious, and fun, combat takes its toll on planes. Between rounds many pilots had to repair damage, replace servos, and switch planes. |
Please email comments, questions, or concerns to Wjmillerjr@aol.com |
Copyright © 2000 William "Rocks" Miller All rights reserved. |